Monday, September 14, 2009

The World Needs More Dirty Harry Callahan's

The current state of the world, and more or less America, leaves a lot to be desired. There is a ton of things that I think we all need, but most of all right now, we need more Dirty Harry's.

I just watched the 1971 film this weekend and I loved every minute of it. The movie was a perfect response to the liberalism of the 60's and early 70's, a fierce and relentless conservative film that pokes holes in the American system of justice.

If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch it. The film depicts Harry's hunt for a sociopathic murderer who calls himself Scorpio (based on the true life Zodiac murders). But unlike his fellow Officer's, Harry doesn't care about the rights of the so called Scorpio. He hunts him down tirelessly, breaking into his home illegally, assaulting him and arresting him.

In my favorite scene, and the scene which is definitely the heart of the film, Harry is informed by the Distract Attorney that his unusual police work rendered the apprehended suspect a free man. Harry keeps his cool, but makes his disgust with the laws that are keeping this psycho on the streets apparent. "There was a girl dying", he says, "Who speaks for her?".

Its pretty provocative stuff. Why should a lunatic have the same rights as the very girl he tried to murder (and actually does)? Why should the law protect him?

Which brings me to my opinion and why I think we need more Dirty Harry Callahan's. Why shouldn't Harry be allowed to break into this guys house without a warrant and apprehend him? He knew the guy was the killer regardless of the hard evidence. So who cares? Why do we have these laws that simply get in the way at putting people like this away?

The film argues a great case for why Americans are allowed the right to bear arms, cause of the silly holes in our system of justice. If we can't be protected by our own government, then we ought to be able to protect ourselves. Cheers to the 2nd Amendment.

All it does it get good bullshitters for Defense lawyers so those who don't deserve to walk free, get to do so.

Harry Callahan doesn't compromise and he doesn't apologize for his actions. There's a lack of that ferocity today. He's a man who fights for true justice at all costs. Thats leadership and thats heroism.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

People who show no concern for health, shouldn't be demanding healthcare

Yes, that's right, I'm not a fan of the current ideas floating around about national healthcare. It's not that I don't think everyone should have it, it's that I don't think it should be needed as much as people think it is.

The sour truth is that most people today just don't really care about their health until they loose it. It's like the kid who doesn't put any effort into school, and then is bewildered when he/she doesn't get into college. So, do people really deserve healthcare when most of the time they don't really care about their own health?

It sounds like a sweet idea. We can guzzle down slurpees, eat gordita crunch burritos and chili cheese fries, smoke and drink till were sick, cause we got healthcare! Yeah right. It doesn't work like that.

There are a ton of people that don't realize, or choose to ignore that what they put into their body is the greatest precursor of their health. It's not even about exercise. You can workout till your a stick, but it won't matter if your diet consists of refined and processed foods. Skinny or fat, it's not about what's going on outside, but what's going on inside.

Another complaint about healthcare is that it's too expensive, and that needs to change. Well, it's always going to be expensive if people use it the way they are now, as a safety net. Less you take care of yourself, the unhealthier you become, the more you got to visit the good old Doc, the more bills you have to pay. Simple as that.

It's not that I don't think people don't deserve healthcare. Because we do. I think everyone should be able to get a broken bone fixed or a infectious disease killed off as soon as possible, and the lowest possible cost. There are truly things that are out of our control, and that is what healthcare should be for.

My own complaint about the current state of healthcare that our government is rather hypocritical about it. The Food and Drug Administration encourages people to eat more fruits and vegetables, and pushes doctors to encourage their patients to do so as well, but then the government turns around and subsidizes the production corn, soybean and wheat, the top 3 ingredients in processed foods and not fruit and vegetables, making them the most expensive things in the supermarket.

There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that America's high grain, high sugar and carb diet is the culprit to the majority of our health problems (Read Mark Sission's "The Primal Blueprint" and Gary Taubes "Good Calories, Bad Calories"). I'm firm follower of those two, it sounds crazy but most of the conventional nutrition advice taught throughout the years is way off, and these two guys put forth some real compelling and convincing evidence.

So what's needed is a different kind of healthcare reform, one that focuses on prevention instead of treatment. America needs to stop advising us to eat healthier, but then turn around and encourage us to eat things that come in boxes cause it's the cheapest stuff we can find. We as a society need to make a collective effort to take better care of ourselves, so that we don't need to pour a bunch of our own money in treating problems that are most of the time, easily preventable.

I'm not saying you have to be a health Nazi. Definitely not necessary. But if people make healthier choices and take better care of themselves 80% of the time, the other 20% won't hurt them that bad.

So don't be a lazy. Your health is in your hands, don't leave it to a last minute healthcare system that is more likely than not, just going to mask your problem rather than actually fix it.

This is sounding preachy now, so I'm going to stop.

Debated this for a long time, but I'm finally giving in

I'm guilty of ranting. So I have decided to spare those who have to hear my rambles and make a blog so I can just write em up. I debated this for a while, it seems like everyones got a blog today, stating their opinions on this and that. But what the hell, why not? I'll keep em short and to the point and it the subjects will always vary, but most of the time the subject will be current. I will mostly likely get lazy and forget about this in about a month, but for now I'm going to have some fun.